Source code for cntk.debugging

# ==============================================================================
# Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT license. See file in the project root
# for full license information.
# ==============================================================================

from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

from .debug import *
from .profiler import *

[docs]def force_deterministic(seed): ''' Force most of the computation nodes to run deterministically. Args: seed (int): set the random seed for all random ops in the graph and readers. ''' from _cntk_py import set_fixed_random_seed, force_deterministic_algorithms import warnings warnings.warn("RNN based nodes don't run deterministically yet.", Warning) set_fixed_random_seed(seed) force_deterministic_algorithms()
[docs]def dump_signature(root, tag=None): ''' Debug helper that prints the signature of a Function. ''' print(str(root))
[docs]def dump_function(root, tag=None): from cntk.logging.graph import depth_first_search from cntk import cntk_py graph = depth_first_search(root.root_function, lambda x: not isinstance(x, cntk_py.Variable)\ or not x.is_output, depth=-1) names = dict() def make_name(n): # come up with a letter sequence if n < 26: return chr(n + ord('a')) else: return make_name(n // 26) + make_name(n % 26) def name_it(item): if != '': return if item in names: name = names[item] else: name = make_name(len(names)) names[item] = name return name axis_names = dict() def name_axis(axis): actual_name = if actual_name in axis_names: return axis_names[actual_name] if == "UnknownAxes": # TODO: what is the correct way of testing this? name = "?" elif == "defaultBatchAxis": name = "b*" else: name = make_name(len(axis_names)+12) + "*" print(" Axis", actual_name, "==", name) axis_names[actual_name] = name return name def type_spec(var): s = "[" + ",".join([name_axis(axis) for axis in var.dynamic_axes]) + "]" if var.dynamic_axes else '' s += str(var.shape) return s def print_item(item): name = name_it(item) if isinstance(item, cntk_py.Function): op_name = item.op_name shape = '(' + ', '.join([name_it(output) + ':' + type_spec(output) for output in item.root_function.outputs]) + ')' inputs = '(' + ', '.join([name_it(input) + ':' + type_spec( input) for input in item.root_function.inputs]) + ')' sep = '-> ' elif isinstance(item, cntk_py.Constant): op_name = "Constant" shape = type_spec(item) inputs = '' sep = '' elif isinstance(item, cntk_py.Parameter): op_name = "Parameter" shape = type_spec(item) inputs = '' sep = '' elif isinstance(item, cntk_py.Variable): if item.is_parameter: op_name = "Parameter" elif item.is_placeholder: op_name = "Placeholder" elif item.is_input: op_name = "Input" elif item.is_constant: op_name = "Constant" else: op_name = "Variable" shape = type_spec(item) name = name + " " + item.uid sep = '' inputs = '' print(' {:20} {:30} {} {}{}'.format(op_name, name, inputs, sep, shape)) pass dump_signature(root, tag) for item in graph: print_item(item)