Source code for cntk.contrib.netopt.factorization

import cntk
from cntk.ops.functions import BlockFunction
from cntk.variables import Parameter
from cntk.ops import times
from cntk.internal import _as_tuple
from cntk.layers.blocks import _initializer_for, _INFERRED, identity
from cntk.layers.blocks import UntestedBranchError  # helpers
from cntk.default_options import is_default_override
from cntk.default_options import get_default_override, default_override_or

[docs]def svd_subprojection(matrix, k): ''' Calculate svd of the matrix and produce a subprojection based on k Args: matrix : an input matrix k (int): desired rank of the output matrix Returns: two matrices representing the original matrix after svd and reducing them based on k. ''' import numpy as np from numpy import dot, diag from numpy.linalg import svd # Decompose W into (U, s, V) U, s, V = svd(matrix, full_matrices=False) # Create two dense layers from this; one that takes U, one that takes # dot(s, V), but restrict them all to rank k, such that the result is a # k-rank subprojection W1 = np.ascontiguousarray(U[:, :k]) W2 = dot(diag(s[:k]), V[:k, :]) return W1, W2
[docs]def factor_dense(model, projection_function = None, filter_function = None, factor_function = None): ''' Reduce the size of a dense model using the provided factor_function and the projection_function. filter_function is used to select dense layers to apply the reduction. If no factor_function is specified, use svd decomposition. Args: model : dense model. projection_function : determin the new size of the dense model. It can be based on the shape of the weight matrix or other heuristics. factor_function can choose to ignore the value k. filter_function : filter layers in the model to apply the factorization factor_function : factor the dense model (e.g. svd) Returns: a model that is factored and reduced in size. ''' if (factor_function == None and projection_function == None): raise ValueError("Dense: default factor function (svd) requires a projection_function.") dense_filter = (lambda x: type(x) == cntk.Function and x.op_name == 'Dense' and x.is_block and (filter_function(x) if filter_function else True)) def dense_converter(model): W, b = model.W.value, model.b.value ht, wdth = W.shape # k is the rank of the output matrices. If a projection function is # provided, then use it, otherwise assign min of two dimensions of # W to k. k = projection_function(W) if projection_function else min(ht, wdth) W1, W2 = factor_function(W, k) if factor_function else svd_subprojection(W, k) Ws = {'W1': W1, 'W2': W2} dfl = dense_factored((int(k), int(wdth)), init=Ws, activation=None, init_bias=b, name='DenseFactored')(model.inputs[2]) return dfl return cntk.misc.convert(model, dense_filter, dense_converter)
[docs]def dense_factored(shapes, #(shape1, shape2) activation=default_override_or(identity), init={'W1':None, 'W2':None}, input_rank=None, map_rank=None, bias=default_override_or(True), init_bias=default_override_or(0), name=''): ''' Perform the new model creation using the factored inputs W1 and W2. The returend function represents the new model. Args: shapes : dimensions of the input matrices. activation : activation function used for the model. init : the two matrices corresponding to the factorization. input_rank : rank of the input tensor. map_rank : ??? bias : bias for the model. init_bias : initial bias value. name : name of the block function that creates the new model. Returns: a model that is factored and projected (reduced). ''' # matthaip: Not sure how to handle input tensor of rank > 1 # or selective flattening of ranks assert(input_rank is None and map_rank is None and all(isinstance(s,int) for s in list(shapes))) activation = get_default_override(cntk.layers.Dense, activation=activation) bias = get_default_override(cntk.layers.Dense, bias=bias) init_bias = get_default_override(cntk.layers.Dense, init_bias=init_bias) # how to use get_default_override for init parameeter? output_shape1 = _as_tuple(shapes[0]) output_shape2 = _as_tuple(shapes[1]) if input_rank is not None and map_rank is not None: raise ValueError("Dense: input_rank and map_rank cannot be specified at the same time.") # If input_rank not given then pass a single _INFERRED; # map_rank if given will determine the input_rank. # The dimension inference may still create multiple axes. input_shape = _INFERRED # parameters bound to this Function # init_weights = _initializer_for(init, Record(output_rank=output_rank)) init_weights = init W1 = Parameter(input_shape + output_shape1, init=init_weights['W1'], name='W1') W2 = Parameter(output_shape1 + output_shape2, init=init_weights['W2'], name='W2') b = Parameter(output_shape2, init=init_bias, name='b') if bias else None # expression of this function @BlockFunction('DenseFactored', name) def dense(x): r = times(x, W1) r = times(r, W2) if b: r = r + b if activation is not None: r = activation(r) return r return dense
# Reference for sklearn.tucker.hooi: #