cntk.logging.progress_print module

class ProgressPrinter(freq=None, first=0, tag='', log_to_file=None, rank=None, gen_heartbeat=False, num_epochs=None, test_freq=None, test_first=0, metric_is_pct=True, distributed_freq=None, distributed_first=0)[source]

Bases: cntk.cntk_py.ProgressWriter

Allows printing various statistics (e.g. loss and metric) as training/evaluation progresses.

  • freq (int or None, default None) – determines how often printing of training progress will occur. A value of 0 means a geometric schedule (1,2,4,...). A value > 0 means an arithmetic schedule (print for minibatch number: freq, print for minibatch number: 2 * freq, print for minibatch number: 3 * freq,...). A value of None means no per-minibatch log.
  • first (int, default 0) – Only start printing after the training minibatch number is greater or equal to first.
  • tag (string, default EmptyString) – prepend minibatch log lines with your own string
  • log_to_file (string or None, default None) – if None, output log data to stdout. If a string is passed, the string is path to a file for log data.
  • rank (int or None, default None) – set this to distributed.rank if you are using distributed parallelism – each rank’s log will go to separate file.
  • gen_heartbeat (bool, default False) – If True output a progress message every 10 seconds or so to stdout.
  • num_epochs (int, default None) – The total number of epochs to be trained. Used for some metadata. This parameter is optional.
  • test_freq (int or None, default None) – similar to freq, but applies to printing intermediate test results.
  • test_first (int, default 0) – similar to first, but applies to printing intermediate test results.
  • metric_is_pct (bool, default True) – Treat metric as a percentage for output purposes.
  • distributed_freq (int or None, default None) – similar to freq, but applies to printing distributed-training worker synchronization info.
  • distributed_first (int, default 0) – similar to first, but applies to printing distributed-training worker synchronization info.


Returns: the average loss since the last print



Returns: the average loss since the start of accumulation



Returns: the average metric since the last print



Returns: the average metric since the start of accumulation


Prints the given message signifying the end of training.

Parameters:msg (string, default ‘’) – message to print.


If on an arithmetic schedule print an epoch summary using the ‘start’ accumulators. If on a geometric schedule does nothing.

Parameters:with_metric (bool) – if False it only prints the loss, otherwise it prints both the loss and the metric

Prints any message the user wishes to place in the log.

Parameters:msg (string) – message to print.
on_write_distributed_sync_update(samples, updates, aggregate_metric)[source]
on_write_test_summary(samples, updates, summaries, aggregate_metric, elapsed_milliseconds)[source]
on_write_test_update(samples, updates, aggregate_metric)[source]
on_write_training_summary(samples, updates, summaries, aggregate_loss, aggregate_metric, elapsed_milliseconds)[source]
on_write_training_update(samples, updates, aggregate_loss, aggregate_metric)[source]


Resets the ‘last’ accumulators

Returns: tuple of (average loss since last, average metric since last, samples since last)



Resets the ‘start’ accumulators

Returns: tuple of (average loss since start, average metric since start, samples since start)

update(loss, minibatch_size, metric=None)[source]


Updates the accumulators using the loss, the minibatch_size and the optional metric.

  • loss (float) – the value with which to update the loss accumulators
  • minibatch_size (int) – the value with which to update the samples accumulator
  • metric (float or None) – if None do not update the metric accumulators, otherwise update with the given value
update_with_trainer(trainer, with_metric=False)[source]


Update the current loss, the minibatch size and optionally the metric using the information from the trainer.

  • trainer (cntk.train.trainer.Trainer) – trainer from which information is gathered
  • with_metric (bool) – whether to update the metric accumulators
write(key, value)[source]
class TensorBoardProgressWriter(freq=None, log_dir='.', rank=None, model=None)[source]

Bases: cntk.cntk_py.ProgressWriter

Allows writing various statistics (e.g. loss and metric) to TensorBoard event files during training/evaluation. The generated files can be opened in TensorBoard to visualize the progress.

  • freq (int or None, default None) – frequency at which training progress is written. None indicates that progress is logged only at the end of training. Must be a positive integer otherwise.
  • log_dir (string, default ‘.’) – directory where to create a TensorBoard event file.
  • rank (int or None, default None) – rank of a worker when using distributed training, or None if training locally. If not None, event files will be created only by rank 0.
  • model (cntk.ops.functions.Function or None, default None) – model graph to plot.

Make sure that any outstanding records are immediately persisted, then close any open files. Any subsequent attempt to use the object will cause a RuntimeError.


Make sure that any outstanding records are immediately persisted.

on_write_test_summary(samples, updates, summaries, aggregate_metric, elapsed_milliseconds)[source]
on_write_test_update(samples, updates, aggregate_metric)[source]
on_write_training_summary(samples, updates, summaries, aggregate_loss, aggregate_metric, elapsed_milliseconds)[source]
on_write_training_update(samples, updates, aggregate_loss, aggregate_metric)[source]
write_image(name, data, step)[source]
write_value(name, value, step)[source]

Record value of a scalar variable at the given time step.

  • name (string) – name of a variable.
  • value (float) – value of the variable.
  • step (int) – time step at which the value is recorded.
class TrainingSummaryProgressCallback(epoch_size, callback)[source]

Bases: cntk.cntk_py.ProgressWriter

Helper to pass a callback function to be called after each training epoch to Trainer, Evaluator, and TrainingSession, as well a cntk.ops.functions.Function.train(), cntk.ops.functions.Function.test().

This allows the user to add additional logging after each training epoch.

  • epoch_size (int) – periodically call the callback after processing this many samples
  • callback (function) – function(epoch_index, epoch_loss, epoch_metric, epoch_samples)
on_write_test_summary(samples, updates, summaries, aggregate_metric, elapsed_milliseconds)[source]
on_write_test_update(*args, **kwargs)[source]
on_write_training_summary(samples, updates, summaries, aggregate_loss, aggregate_metric, elapsed_milliseconds)[source]
on_write_training_update(samples, updates, aggregate_loss, aggregate_metric)[source]
write(*args, **kwargs)[source]
log_number_of_parameters(model, trace_level=0)[source]