Examples ======== CNTK also offers several examples that are not in Tutorial style. Many of these are recipes involve more advanced networks and are located under :cntk:`Examples directory `. - :cntk:`MNIST `: A fully connected feed-forward model for classification of MNIST images. (Follow the instructions in :cntk:`Examples/Image/DataSets/MNIST/README.md` to get the MNIST data set) - :cntk:`TrainResNet_CIFAR10 `: An image classification ResNet model for training on the CIFAR image dataset. (Follow the instructions in :cntk:`Examples/Image/DataSets/CIFAR-10/README.md` to get the CIFAR dataset and convert it to the CNTK supported format) - :cntk:`SequenceClassification `: An LSTM sequence classification model for text data. - :cntk:`Sequence2Sequence `: A sequence to sequence grapheme to phoneme translation model that trains on the CMUDict corpus. - :cntk:`NumpyInterop ` - Language Understanding. - :cntk:`Video ` - Basic 3D convolution networks for deep learning on video tasks.