Source code for cntk.logging.progress_print

# ==============================================================================
# Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT license. See file in the project root
# for full license information.
# ==============================================================================
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division

import sys
import time

from cntk import cntk_py, core
from ..device import cpu 

def _warn_deprecated(message):
    from warnings import warn
    warn('DEPRECATED: ' + message, DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)

def _avg(numerator, denominator):
    if isinstance(numerator, tuple):
        numerator = numerator[1] - numerator[0]
    if isinstance(denominator, tuple):
        denominator = denominator[1] - denominator[0]
    return (numerator / denominator) if denominator > 0 else 0.0

# TODO: Let's switch to import logging in the future instead of print. [ebarsoum]
[docs]class ProgressPrinter(cntk_py.ProgressWriter): ''' Allows printing various statistics (e.g. loss and metric) as training/evaluation progresses. Args: freq (`int` or `None`, default `None`): determines how often printing of training progress will occur. A value of 0 means a geometric schedule (1,2,4,...). A value > 0 means an arithmetic schedule (print for minibatch number: ``freq``, print for minibatch number: ``2 * freq``, print for minibatch number: ``3 * freq``,...). A value of None means no per-minibatch log. first (`int`, default 0): Only start printing after the training minibatch number is greater or equal to ``first``. tag (`string`, default EmptyString): prepend minibatch log lines with your own string log_to_file (`string` or `None`, default `None`): if None, output log data to stdout. If a string is passed, the string is path to a file for log data. rank (`int` or `None`, default `None`): set this to distributed.rank if you are using distributed parallelism -- each rank's log will go to separate file. gen_heartbeat (`bool`, default `False`): If True output a progress message every 10 seconds or so to stdout. num_epochs (`int`, default None): The total number of epochs to be trained. Used for some metadata. This parameter is optional. test_freq (`int` or `None`, default `None`): similar to ``freq``, but applies to printing intermediate test results. test_first (`int`, default 0): similar to ``first``, but applies to printing intermediate test results. metric_is_pct (`bool`, default True): Treat metric as a percentage for output purposes. distributed_freq (`int` or `None`, default `None`): similar to ``freq``, but applies to printing distributed-training worker synchronization info. distributed_first (`int`, default 0): similar to ``first``, but applies to printing distributed-training worker synchronization info. ''' def __init__(self, freq=None, first=0, tag='', log_to_file=None, rank=None, gen_heartbeat=False, num_epochs=None, test_freq=None, test_first=0, metric_is_pct=True, distributed_freq=None, distributed_first=0): ''' Constructor. ''' if freq is None: freq = sys.maxsize if test_freq is None: test_freq = sys.maxsize if distributed_freq is None: distributed_freq = sys.maxsize super(ProgressPrinter, self).__init__(freq, first, test_freq, test_first, distributed_freq, distributed_first) self.loss_since_start = 0 self.metric_since_start = 0 self.samples_since_start = 0 self.updates_since_start = 0 self.loss_since_last = 0 self.metric_since_last = 0 self.samples_since_last = 0 self.total_updates = 0 self.epochs = 0 self.freq = freq self.first = first self.test_freq = test_freq self.tag = '' if not tag else "[{}] ".format(tag) self.epoch_start_time = time.time() self.progress_timer_time = 0 self.log_to_file = log_to_file self.gen_heartbeat = gen_heartbeat self.num_epochs = num_epochs self.metric_is_pct = metric_is_pct if metric_is_pct: self.metric_multiplier = 100.0 else: self.metric_multiplier = 1.0 self.__disown__() # print out data about CNTK build # TODO: this is for internal purposes, so find better way cntk_py.print_built_info() self.logfilename = None if self.log_to_file is not None: self.logfilename = self.log_to_file if rank is not None: self.logfilename = self.logfilename + 'rank' + str(rank) # print to stdout print("Redirecting log to file " + self.logfilename) with open(self.logfilename, "w") as logfile: logfile.write(self.logfilename + "\n") self.___logprint('CNTKCommandTrainInfo: train : ' + str(num_epochs if num_epochs is not None else 300)) self.___logprint('CNTKCommandTrainInfo: CNTKNoMoreCommands_Total : ' + str(num_epochs if num_epochs is not None else 300)) self.___logprint('CNTKCommandTrainBegin: train') if freq == 0: self.___logprint(' average since average since examples') self.___logprint(' loss last metric last ') self.___logprint(' ------------------------------------------------------')
[docs] def end_progress_print(self, msg=""): ''' Prints the given message signifying the end of training. Args: msg (`string`, default ''): message to print. ''' self.___logprint('CNTKCommandTrainEnd: train') if msg != "" and self.log_to_file is not None: self.___logprint(msg)
[docs] def log(self, message): ''' Prints any message the user wishes to place in the log. Args: msg (`string`): message to print. ''' self.___logprint(message)
[docs] def avg_loss_since_start(self): ''' DEPRECATED. Returns: the average loss since the start of accumulation ''' _warn_deprecated('The method was deprecated.') return _avg(self.loss_since_start, self.samples_since_start)
[docs] def avg_metric_since_start(self): ''' DEPRECATED. Returns: the average metric since the start of accumulation ''' _warn_deprecated('The method was deprecated.') return _avg(self.metric_since_start, self.samples_since_start)
[docs] def avg_loss_since_last(self): ''' DEPRECATED. Returns: the average loss since the last print ''' _warn_deprecated('The method was deprecated.') return _avg(self.loss_since_last, self.samples_since_last)
[docs] def avg_metric_since_last(self): ''' DEPRECATED. Returns: the average metric since the last print ''' _warn_deprecated('The method was deprecated.') return _avg(self.metric_since_last, self.samples_since_last)
[docs] def reset_start(self): ''' DEPRECATED. Resets the 'start' accumulators Returns: tuple of (average loss since start, average metric since start, samples since start) ''' _warn_deprecated('The method was deprecated.') ret = self.avg_loss_since_start(), self.avg_metric_since_start(), self.samples_since_start self.loss_since_start = 0 self.metric_since_start = 0 self.samples_since_start = 0 self.updates_since_start = 0 return ret
[docs] def reset_last(self): ''' DEPRECATED. Resets the 'last' accumulators Returns: tuple of (average loss since last, average metric since last, samples since last) ''' if self.total_updates == 0: # Only warn once to avoid flooding with warnings. _warn_deprecated('The method was deprecated.') ret = self.avg_loss_since_last(), self.avg_metric_since_last(), self.samples_since_last self.loss_since_last = 0 self.metric_since_last = 0 self.samples_since_last = 0 return ret
[docs] def write(self, key, value): # Override for ProgressWriter.write method. self.___logprint("{}: {}".format(key, value))
def ___logprint(self, logline): if self.log_to_file == None: # to stdout. if distributed, all ranks merge output into stdout print(logline) else: # to named file. if distributed, one file per rank with open(self.logfilename, "a") as logfile: logfile.write(logline + "\n")
[docs] def epoch_summary(self, with_metric=False): ''' DEPRECATED. If on an arithmetic schedule print an epoch summary using the 'start' accumulators. If on a geometric schedule does nothing. Args: with_metric (`bool`): if `False` it only prints the loss, otherwise it prints both the loss and the metric ''' _warn_deprecated('The method was deprecated.') self.epochs += 1 epoch_end_time = time.time() elapsed_milliseconds = (epoch_end_time - self.epoch_start_time) * 1000 self.epoch_start_time = epoch_end_time # resetting starttime for use in the next epoch metric_since_start = self.metric_since_start if with_metric else None self.on_write_training_summary(self.samples_since_start, self.updates_since_start, self.epochs, self.loss_since_start, metric_since_start, elapsed_milliseconds) if self.freq > 0: return self.reset_start()
def ___generate_progress_heartbeat(self): timer_delta = time.time() - self.progress_timer_time # print progress no sooner than 10s apart if timer_delta > 10 and self.gen_heartbeat: # print to stdout print("PROGRESS: 0.00%") self.progress_timer_time = time.time()
[docs] def update(self, loss, minibatch_size, metric=None): ''' DEPRECATED. Updates the accumulators using the loss, the minibatch_size and the optional metric. Args: loss (`float`): the value with which to update the loss accumulators minibatch_size (`int`): the value with which to update the samples accumulator metric (`float` or `None`): if `None` do not update the metric accumulators, otherwise update with the given value ''' if self.total_updates == 0: # Only warn once to avoid flooding with warnings. _warn_deprecated('The method was deprecated.') if minibatch_size == 0: return self.samples_since_start += minibatch_size self.samples_since_last += minibatch_size self.loss_since_start += loss * minibatch_size self.loss_since_last += loss * minibatch_size self.updates_since_start += 1 self.total_updates += 1 if metric is not None: self.metric_since_start += metric * minibatch_size self.metric_since_last += metric * minibatch_size self.___generate_progress_heartbeat() if ((self.freq == 0 and (self.updates_since_start + 1) & self.updates_since_start == 0) or self.freq > 0 and (self.updates_since_start % self.freq == 0 or self.updates_since_start <= self.first)): samples = (self.samples_since_start - self.samples_since_last, self.samples_since_start) updates = None if self.freq > 0: if self.updates_since_start <= self.first: # printing individual MBs first_update = self.updates_since_start else: first_update = max(self.updates_since_start - self.freq, self.first) updates = (first_update, self.updates_since_start) aggregate_loss = (self.loss_since_start - self.loss_since_last, self.loss_since_start) aggregate_metric = None if metric is not None: aggregate_metric = (self.metric_since_start - self.metric_since_last, self.metric_since_start) self.on_write_training_update(samples, updates, aggregate_loss, aggregate_metric) self.reset_last()
[docs] def update_with_trainer(self, trainer, with_metric=False): ''' DEPRECATED. Update the current loss, the minibatch size and optionally the metric using the information from the ``trainer``. Args: trainer (:class:`cntk.train.trainer.Trainer`): trainer from which information is gathered with_metric (`bool`): whether to update the metric accumulators ''' if self.total_updates == 0: # Only warn once to avoid flooding with warnings. _warn_deprecated('Inefficient. ' 'Please pass an instance of ProgressPrinter to Trainer upon construction.') if trainer is not None and trainer.previous_minibatch_sample_count != 0: self.update( trainer.previous_minibatch_loss_average, trainer.previous_minibatch_sample_count, trainer.previous_minibatch_evaluation_average if with_metric else None)
[docs] def on_write_training_update(self, samples, updates, aggregate_loss, aggregate_metric): # Override for ProgressWriter.on_write_training_update. self.___write_progress_update(samples, updates, aggregate_loss, aggregate_metric, self.freq, '')
[docs] def on_training_update_end(self): # Override for ProgressWriter.on_training_update_end. self.___generate_progress_heartbeat()
[docs] def on_write_test_update(self, samples, updates, aggregate_metric): # Override for ProgressWriter.on_write_test_update. self.___write_progress_update(samples, updates, None, aggregate_metric, self.test_freq, 'Evaluation ')
[docs] def on_write_distributed_sync_update(self, samples, updates, aggregate_metric): # Override for ProgressWriter.on_write_distributed_sync_update. self.___logprint("Distributed training: #Syncs elapsed = {}, #Samples elapsed = {}".format(updates[1] - updates[0], samples[1] - samples[0]))
def ___write_progress_update(self, samples, updates, aggregate_loss, aggregate_metric, frequency, name): format_str = ' ' format_args = [] if frequency == 0: if aggregate_loss is not None: format_str += '{:8.3g} {:8.3g} ' format_args.extend([_avg(aggregate_loss[1], samples[1]), _avg(aggregate_loss, samples)]) else: format_str += '{:8s} {:8s} ' format_args.extend(['', '']) if aggregate_metric is not None: format_str += '{:8.3g} {:8.3g} ' format_args.extend([_avg(aggregate_metric[1], samples[1]), _avg(aggregate_metric, samples)]) else: format_str += '{:8s} {:8s} ' format_args.extend(['', '']) format_str += ' {:10d}' format_args.append(samples[1]) else: format_str += '{}Minibatch[{:4d}-{:4d}]: ' format_args.extend([name, updates[0] + 1, updates[1]]) if aggregate_loss is not None: format_str += 'loss = {:0.6f} * {:d}' format_args.extend([_avg(aggregate_loss, samples), samples[1] - samples[0]]) if aggregate_metric is not None: if aggregate_loss is not None: format_str += ', ' if self.metric_is_pct: format_str += 'metric = {:0.2f}% * {:d}' else: format_str += 'metric = {:0.6f} * {:d}' format_args.extend([_avg(aggregate_metric, samples) * self.metric_multiplier, samples[1] - samples[0]]) format_str += ';' self.___logprint(format_str.format(*format_args))
[docs] def on_write_training_summary(self, samples, updates, summaries, aggregate_loss, aggregate_metric, elapsed_milliseconds): # Override for ProgressWriter.on_write_training_summary. if self.freq == 0: # Only log training summary when on arithmetic schedule. return elapsed_seconds = elapsed_milliseconds / 1000 speed = _avg(samples, elapsed_seconds) avg_loss = _avg(aggregate_loss, samples) of_epochs = " of " + str(self.num_epochs) if self.num_epochs is not None else '' if aggregate_metric is not None: avg_metric = _avg(aggregate_metric, samples) if self.metric_is_pct: fmt_str = "Finished Epoch[{}{}]: {}loss = {:0.6f} * {}, metric = {:0.2f}% * {} {:0.3f}s ({:5.1f} samples/s);" else: fmt_str = "Finished Epoch[{}{}]: {}loss = {:0.6f} * {}, metric = {:0.6f} * {} {:0.3f}s ({:5.1f} samples/s);" msg = fmt_str.format(summaries, of_epochs, self.tag, avg_loss, samples, avg_metric * self.metric_multiplier, samples, elapsed_seconds, speed) else: msg = "Finished Epoch[{}{}]: {}loss = {:0.6f} * {} {:0.3f}s ({:5.1f} samples/s);".format( summaries, of_epochs, self.tag, avg_loss, samples, elapsed_seconds, speed) self.___logprint(msg)
[docs] def on_write_test_summary(self, samples, updates, summaries, aggregate_metric, elapsed_milliseconds): # Override for ProgressWriter.on_write_test_summary. if self.metric_is_pct: fmt_str = "Finished Evaluation [{}]: Minibatch[1-{}]: metric = {:0.2f}% * {};" else: fmt_str = "Finished Evaluation [{}]: Minibatch[1-{}]: metric = {:0.6f} * {};" self.___logprint(fmt_str.format(summaries, updates, _avg(aggregate_metric, samples) * self.metric_multiplier, samples))
[docs]class TensorBoardProgressWriter(cntk_py.ProgressWriter): ''' Allows writing various statistics (e.g. loss and metric) to TensorBoard event files during training/evaluation. The generated files can be opened in TensorBoard to visualize the progress. Args: freq (`int` or `None`, default `None`): frequency at which training progress is written. None indicates that progress is logged only at the end of training. Must be a positive integer otherwise. log_dir (`string`, default '.'): directory where to create a TensorBoard event file. rank (`int` or `None`, default `None`): rank of a worker when using distributed training, or `None` if training locally. If not `None`, event files will be created only by rank 0. model (:class:`cntk.ops.functions.Function` or `None`, default `None`): model graph to plot. ''' def __init__(self, freq=None, log_dir='.', rank=None, model=None): ''' Constructor. ''' if freq is None: freq = sys.maxsize super(TensorBoardProgressWriter, self).__init__(freq, 0, sys.maxsize, 0, sys.maxsize, 0) # Only log either when rank is not specified or when rank is 0. self.writer = cntk_py.TensorBoardFileWriter(log_dir, model) if not rank else None self.closed = False self.__disown__()
[docs] def write_value(self, name, value, step): ''' Record value of a scalar variable at the given time step. Args: name (`string`): name of a variable. value (`float`): value of the variable. step (`int`): time step at which the value is recorded. ''' if self.closed: raise RuntimeError('Attempting to use a closed TensorBoardProgressWriter') if self.writer: self.writer.write_value(str(name), float(value), int(step))
[docs] def write_image(self, name, data, step): if self.closed: raise RuntimeError('Attempting to use a closed TensorBoardProgressWriter') if self.writer: for k in data: value = core.Value._as_best_data_type(k, data[k]) ndav = core.NDArrayView.from_data(value, cpu()) self.writer.write_image(str(name), ndav, int(step))
[docs] def flush(self): '''Make sure that any outstanding records are immediately persisted.''' if self.closed: raise RuntimeError('Attempting to use a closed TensorBoardProgressWriter') if self.writer: self.writer.flush()
[docs] def close(self): ''' Make sure that any outstanding records are immediately persisted, then close any open files. Any subsequent attempt to use the object will cause a RuntimeError. ''' if self.closed: raise RuntimeError('Attempting to use a closed TensorBoardProgressWriter') if self.writer: self.writer.close() self.closed = True
[docs] def on_write_training_update(self, samples, updates, aggregate_loss, aggregate_metric): # Override for ProgressWriter.on_write_training_update(). self.write_value('minibatch/avg_loss', _avg(aggregate_loss, samples), self.total_training_updates()) self.write_value('minibatch/avg_metric', _avg(aggregate_metric, samples), self.total_training_updates())
[docs] def on_write_test_update(self, samples, updates, aggregate_metric): # Override for ProgressWriter.on_write_test_update(). # It is not particularly useful to record per-minibatch test results in TensorBoard, # hence it is not currently supported. raise NotImplementedError( 'TensorBoardProgressWriter does not support recording per-minibatch cross-validation results')
[docs] def on_write_training_summary(self, samples, updates, summaries, aggregate_loss, aggregate_metric, elapsed_milliseconds): # Override for BaseProgressWriter.on_write_training_summary(). self.write_value('summary/avg_loss', _avg(aggregate_loss, samples), summaries) self.write_value('summary/avg_metric', _avg(aggregate_metric, samples), summaries)
[docs] def on_write_test_summary(self, samples, updates, summaries, aggregate_metric, elapsed_milliseconds): # Override for BaseProgressWriter.on_write_test_summary(). avg_metric = _avg(aggregate_metric, samples) if self.total_training_updates() != 0: # Record test summary using training minibatches as a step. # This allows to easier correlate the training and test metric graphs in TensorBoard. self.write_value('minibatch/test_avg_metric', avg_metric, self.total_training_updates()) else: self.write_value('summary/test_avg_metric', avg_metric, summaries)
[docs]class TrainingSummaryProgressCallback(cntk_py.ProgressWriter): ''' Helper to pass a callback function to be called after each training epoch to :class:`~cntk.train.trainer.Trainer`, :class:`~cntk.eval.evaluator.Evaluator`, and :class:`~cntk.train.training_session.TrainingSession`, as well a :func:`cntk.ops.functions.Function.train`, :func:`cntk.ops.functions.Function.test`. This allows the user to add additional logging after each training epoch. Args: epoch_size (int): periodically call the callback after processing this many samples callback (function): function(epoch_index, epoch_loss, epoch_metric, epoch_samples) ''' def __init__(self, epoch_size, callback): self._epoch_size = epoch_size self._callback = callback super(TrainingSummaryProgressCallback, self).__init__(sys.maxsize, 0, epoch_size, 0, sys.maxsize, 0) self.__disown__()
[docs] def on_write_training_update(self, samples, updates, aggregate_loss, aggregate_metric): pass
[docs] def on_write_test_update(self, *args, **kwargs): pass
[docs] def on_write_training_summary(self, samples, updates, summaries, aggregate_loss, aggregate_metric, elapsed_milliseconds): self._callback(summaries-1, aggregate_loss, aggregate_metric, samples) pass
[docs] def on_write_test_summary(self, samples, updates, summaries, aggregate_metric, elapsed_milliseconds): pass
[docs] def write(self, *args, **kwargs): pass
# print the total number of parameters to log
[docs]def log_number_of_parameters(model, trace_level=0): parameters = model.parameters from functools import reduce from operator import add, mul from _cntk_py import InferredDimension if any(any(dim == InferredDimension for dim in p.shape) for p in parameters): total_parameters = 'so far unspecified number of' else: total_parameters = sum([reduce(mul, p.shape + (1,)) for p in parameters]) # the +(1,) is needed so that this works for empty shapes (scalars) print("Training {} parameters in {} parameter tensors.".format(total_parameters, len(parameters))) if trace_level > 0: print() for p in parameters: print("\t{}".format(p.shape))