Source code for cntk.device

# Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.

# Licensed under the MIT license. See file in the project root
# for full license information.
# ==============================================================================
Utilities to specify device on which CNTK computation can be executed. 
from enum import Enum, unique
from . import cntk_py
from cntk.internal import typemap

[docs]class DeviceKind(Enum): ''' Describes different device kinds like CPU or GPU. ''' CPU = cntk_py.DeviceKind_CPU GPU = cntk_py.DeviceKind_GPU def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, int): return self.value == other if isinstance(other, DeviceKind): return self.value == other.value return self == other def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other)
[docs]class DeviceDescriptor(cntk_py.DeviceDescriptor): ''' Describes a device by a unique id and its type. If the device corresponds to a GPU its type is 1, otherwise, it is 0 '''
[docs] def id(self): ''' Returns id of device descriptor Returns: int: id ''' return super(DeviceDescriptor, self).id()
[docs] def type(self): ''' Returns type of device descriptor. 1 if it is a GPU device or 0 if CPU. Returns: int: type ''' return super(DeviceDescriptor, self).type()
[docs] def is_locked(self): ''' Returns `True` if another CNTK process already holds an exclusive lock on this device. ''' return super(DeviceDescriptor, self).is_locked()
[docs]def all_devices(): ''' Returns a device descriptor list with all the available devices Returns: :class:`~cntk.device.DeviceDescriptor` list: all device descriptors ''' return cntk_py.DeviceDescriptor.all_devices()
[docs]def cpu(): ''' Returns CPU device descriptor Returns: :class:`~cntk.device.DeviceDescriptor`: CPU device descriptor ''' return cntk_py.DeviceDescriptor.cpu_device()
[docs]def gpu(device_id): ''' Returns GPU device descriptor Returns: :class:`~cntk.device.DeviceDescriptor`: GPU device descriptor ''' return cntk_py.DeviceDescriptor.gpu_device(device_id)
[docs]def use_default_device(): ''' Freezes the default device of the current CNTK process disallowing further changes through calls to :func:`try_set_default_device`. This default device will used for all CNTK operations where a device needs to be specified and where none was explicitly provided. If no device has been specified with a call to :func:`try_set_default_device`, on the first invocation, this methods will auto-select one of the available (non-locked) devices as the default. Returns: :class:`~cntk.device.DeviceDescriptor`: descriptor of the globally default device ''' return cntk_py.DeviceDescriptor.use_default_device()
[docs]def try_set_default_device(new_default_device, acquire_device_lock=False): ''' Tries to set the specified device as the globally default, optionally acquiring an exclusive (cooperative) lock on the device (only a GPU device can be locked). Args: new_default_device (:class:`~cntk.device.DeviceDescriptor`): a descriptor of the device to be used as a globally default. acquire_device_lock (bool, defaults to `False`): whether or not a lock should be acquired for the specified device. The default device can only be changed if it has not yet been frozen by being implicitly used in any previous CNTK operation. CNTK uses cooperative locking for the device access, whereby only a single process can acquire a device lock. This locking mechanism allows CNTK processes to avoid device oversubscription only if they collectively choose so. In other words, the device locked by one CNTK process, can still be accessed by another CNTK process without acquiring any locks (i.e, the existing device lock can be ignored by other CNTK processes). This cooperative locking mechanism does not guarantee any kind of exclusive access to the device. The proper way to ensure exclusivity is to use tools provided by NVIDIA (nvidia smi). Returns: `False` if * the specified device appears in the list of excluded devices; * `acquire_device_lock` is `True` and another process already holds a lock on the device; * `acquire_device_lock` is `True` and `new_default_device` corresponds to a CPU device (which cannot be locked). ''' return cntk_py.DeviceDescriptor.try_set_default_device(new_default_device, acquire_device_lock)
[docs]def set_excluded_devices(excluded_devices): ''' Allows to specify a list of excluded devices that cannot be used as globally default (neither auto-selected nor explicitly specified by :func:`try_set_default_device`). For example, to avoid auto-selecting the CPU, invoke ``set_excluded_devices([cpu()])``. However, after the default device has been selected and frozen (by a call to :func:`use_default_device`), invoking this methods has no effect, it becomes essentially a no-op. Args: excluded_devices (list of :class:`~cntk.device.DeviceDescriptor`): a list of device descriptors to exclude. ''' cntk_py.DeviceDescriptor.set_excluded_devices(excluded_devices)
[docs]def get_gpu_properties(device): ''' Retrieves and returns additional properties (total memory, number of CUDA cores, etc.) for the specified GPU device. This method will raise an exception if a CPU device is specified as an argument. Args: device (:class:`~cntk.device.DeviceDescriptor`): a GPU device descriptor. Returns: :class:`~cntk.cntk_py.GPUProperties`: GPU device properties ''' return cntk_py.DeviceDescriptor.get_gpu_properties(device)